[ Zaxel ]

  •  Video Servers  
    • Zaxtar 5
    • 4K Replay Server

  • Video Application Software  
    • Denoiser
    • Superscaler
    • Debander
    • zFocus
    • zConverge
    • zDRM
  • Projection Systems  
    • zDome
    • Cylinder Screen
        Projection System

4K, 8K, 16K Video Servers

Highest Resolution
Highest Dynamic Range
Highest Frame Rate
   servers in the industry

8K 120P Uncompressed Server

Zaxel's video servers can output 8K or larger resolutions, 48 bit RGB pixels, and frame rates up to 120 Hz.

Zaxel's video servers are used to play and record pristine video suitable for digital video presentations, large frame video, and cutting edge virtual reality installations. Zaxel's video servers are used at post production facilities, museums, planetariums, theaters, and research laboratories.

We have been shipping 4K servers since 2003 and are constantly striving to support the newest and most challenging formats in the world. We have also started to ship 8K servers from 2013.

In addition to our standard server line we frequently work with system integrators to provide customized video solutions. Because we have developed our own video software we can offer reliable solutions to difficult technical problems.

If you have video problems that require extremely high resolution, very deep color, or extremely high frame rates, please contact Zaxel.

Video Servers


Zaxel News: Zaxel Delivers 4 sets of 8K 10 bit 120P video server to CDC Panda

Zaxel News: Zaxel exhibits at InterBEE 2018



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